

Altitude Dive

An altitude dive is any dive at a site between 300 to 3000 meters above...

Ascent Rate

The maximum ascent rate is either 18 metres per minute or the maximum rate allowed...

Assistant Instructor

An individual qualified as a Teaching Status NovoScuba Assistant Instructor.

Assistant Instructor Trainer

A. NovoScuba Assistant Instructor Trainer can assist on NovoScuba Instructor courses


Confined Water

Confined water is a general term that describes a site, such as a swimming pool,...


Deep Dive


A Disability is a physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition that impairs, interferes with, or...


A Divemaster is an individual who has met the requirements of being a NovoScuba Divemaster...



A teaching status Instructor is defined as a NovoScuba Scuba Instructor, or higher, who is...

Instructor Certifier

NovoScuba Instructor Certifiers conduct Novoscuba Instructor Examinations

Instructor Course

The NovoScuba Instructor Course is taught by Novoscuba Instructor Trainers. Candiates on this course learn...

Instructor Trainer

A NovoScuba Instructor Trainer is able to teach NovoScuba Assistant Instructor, Instructor and Assistant Instructor...


Junior Diver

Divers under 15 can earn a Junior Diver certification with the exact course requirements as...

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